Financial Advisory Board of Canada

Empowering Canadian consumers in critical debt.

Who we are

The Financial Advisory Board of Canada is committed to empowering Canadians through enhanced financial literacy. Our mission is to guide individuals towards savvy financial choices, considered credit use, and rapid recovery from insolvency.We are investors in the debt industry and advocates for the country’s debtor advocates. As investors, we are building a suite of services for debtors that responds to what they need to come out of debt and build financial resiliency.As industry leaders, we are dedicated to providing strategic investment and insights to entities within the Canadian debt sector. In bridging the widening gap of sound and fair solution offerings by the debt industry for individuals navigating financial vulnerabilities, we are creating an equitable environment where everyone can find financial resiliency.We bring a code of ethics to the debt industry, ensuring that every entity in the chain of pulling debtors out of financial trouble is compliant. We uphold the principle that every individual should have the autonomy to make well-informed choices about their financial future.Our flagship investment is 4 Pillars Financial Wellness Advocates

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